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Mobile Integrated Remains Collection System (MIRCS)

Mobile Integrated Remains Collection System (MIRCS)
In response to an RFP in 2005, Guild Associates, Inc. developed MIRCS for the United States Army to provide mortuary service capabilities throughout the world. Structurally, the MIRCS is an ISO frame, with sides that lower essentially extending the base. A softwall is then deployed to create walls and the ceiling for the expanded area. Guild Associates' design allows for storage of 16 remains in addition to space for processing and administrative work. Remains are kept between 34 and 36°F while meeting mortuary standards for air quality. In transport mode the MIRCS dimensions are nominally 20' x 8' x 8' with corner fittings to meet ISO standards for intermodal container shipment.

Mobile Integrated Remains Collection System (MIRCS)
When deployed, the enclosed area is almost triple the transport size. MIRCS can be deployed while on the ground or while mounted on a HEMTT or trailer (using leg extensions). With operating temperatures ranging from -20 to +125°F and an operating altitude of up to 7,500 ft, MIRCS can be deployment in most major cities year around. The hydraulic-assisted lift system allows the platforms to be raised quickly, easily and safely. MIRCS also comes with temporary remains shelter which provides a private place to store remains prior to processing. The complete MIRCS system can be setup in about 30 minutes by two trained people.